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About Deborah Dolen
Bestselling Author Deborah Dolen has written over 29 DIY “how to” books, over 1,000 articles and produced and directed several TV “how to” Films. Deborah Dolen’s work is sold almost exclusively on Amazon’s Whispernet DPT platform, except for Deborah Dolen’s recent Barnes and Noble debut in 2013. Prior to NOOK the authors products were sold exclusively on Amazons electronic platform per a contract Deborah Dolen had entered with Amazon in 2006 to take her books out of print. Unknowing to Deborah - the taking of her books out of print in 2006 caused her print books to immediately become "collectors" items commanding thousands of dollars-unsigned. Signed books valued higher. In 2009 Deborah Dolen signed and donated any copies she had left to charities. In 2015 Deborah decided her books will go back to print by 2016 because schools and vocational programs really need print books and have inundated her with requests for such.
As of January 1, 2015 Ms. Dolen’s work is available on Amazon UK, Amazon France. Amazon Spain, Amazon Germany, and even Amazon Japan. Deborah Dolen is also an environmental writer and has her own content syndication and Deborah Dolen RSS. Deborah Dolen’s most popular books written to date are Floral Design, The Bathroom Chemist, and The Beekeeper’s Digest. Her most popular DIY films are Floral Design 101 [Vases] with Deborah Dolen and Floral Design 201 [Containers] with Deborah Dolen.
Deborah Dolen has created print and electronic media across several platforms to include print books, eBooks and video and film. Most of her work is non-fiction and about creating products with natural materials. Deborah is presently writing her first fiction work off her boat named "The Novelist" in Florida and this book is due out in 2016. The genre will be apocalyptic Christian themed as Deborah is a practicing Christian. Practicing because we can never be perfect.
A resident of Anna Maria Island Florida, Deborah was raised in upstate NY. She raised three daughters as a widow and many of her DIY works were really a result of trying to keep her kids busy when they were young. They sold recipes on eBay for $1, for example, just to show her daughters how to sell something - and give them the gift of "industry." She did not expect the recipes and formulas to really sell much - but they did. And then customers requested all the recipes just be compiled into books. Books turned into videos and the rest is history.
On June 22, 2015 she lost her love of six years and her entertainment lawyer to a long battle with Leukemia. She had been basically living at Mayo Clinic and Moffit Cancer with him for the last few years. The author now plans to travel the globe (travel plans the couple already had) and continue to support "Gideons International" an organization her and Bill were passionate about.
Deborah is still very passionate about animal rescue, gardening, aviation, and as always making natural products with natural materials.